Manganese is an often forgotten about but very important micronutrient for turf. Manganese plays an important role in the photosynthesis process as it is the element that splits H2O molecules early in the photosynthesis process. Manganese also is the element that breaks down carbon dioxide during the photosynthesis process. Because of this if the plant is deficient with manganese than it will have a negative effect on chloroplast and then in return reduce photosynthesis production. Once photosynthesis slows then so do most other plant functions and as a result we end up with a weaker plant. Most manganese that exists in the soil will not actually be available to the plant due to the fact that it normally oxidizes so quickly within the soil. Because of this manganese applied in foliar applications will generally be most effective depending on the main goal of the manganese application.
Manganese has proven itself to be very effective in enabling the plant to be able to deal with some pathogen infections. Manganese is responsible for being a part of the activation process of many plant beneficial enzymes. Many of these enzymes are important for the production of lignin. Lignin is an important part of the plant tissue, especially the roots that helps the plant to be more resistant to soil-borne diseases. Manganese is also responsible for other enzymes that can also be toxic to certain pathogens as well which can help the plant deal with disease.
Because manganese is so beneficial for oxygen production within the plant it is also great for stress resistance as most stresses will typically limit oxygen so in the case of manganese it will actually increase oxygen and the plants ability to handle the stress. Manganese deficiency will typically appear as discoloration or chlorosis within the veins of younger plant leaves. But in contrast to this; adequate amounts of manganese will result in great colour within the plant especially because it is so important for photosynthesis.
Turf Fuel has a product called MZ-23 that is a manganese product along with zinc, potassium phosphite and seaweed extract. MZ-23 is the ultimate stress and summer stress product due to the stress and pathogen related benefits that manganese, phosphites and zinc all give you. It is also a great product for promoting rooting and a great colour response as well.
We do also have many other foliar and granular products available though that will provide the plant with all of the benefits of manganese that we have discussed that can be a great addition to your program as well.
Turf Fuel is committed to developing products that are not like any other on the market and finding solutions to the problems that have been plaguing turf managers for years. They are committed to always improving the already great products they currently have. Turf Fuel has solutions available from the most simple aspects of nitrogen nutrition to the much more complicated solutions that you have been looking for such as stress management.
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