A little bit of snow fell to start off the month and really put everyone into the fall/winter mindset. We were finally able to finish tee box aeration the second week in October once the weather smartened up. Fairway aeration began that same week and was completed over the next two weeks as it was only done as time allowed as there were other jobs that had to disrupt completion.
The completion of tee box aeration
17 fairway after aeration
Our final fungicide applications took place on greens and tee boxes the third week of October to help protect us against any winter disease and stress over this upcoming winter.
Our final fungicide application on greens
Irrigation blowout also took place the third week of the month and took two and a half days to complete. In this process we use a large air compressor to blow compressed air through the irrigation lines beginning at the pumphouse. The air is released through all of the sprinkler heads and drains on the golf course in an attempt to remove all water from the lines to prevent freezing and damage to the system.
The compressor we used for blowout
Air pushing moisture out of the sprinkler heads
Snowfence installation began on the tee boxes following the fungicide application and took three days to install. We install this snowfence to help trap snow which will then help to insulate the turf and protect it from the cold and dry winter winds.
Snowfence installed on 8 tee box
The tarps were installed on the greens over a three day period the last week of October. We install the tarps to help protect and insulate the turf from desiccation. Desiccation of the plant occurs when the plant is exposed to the cold and dry winter winds. The winds remove the moisture that remains in the plant and once the moisture is removed from the base of the plant it is then weakened and eventually dies.
The tarp installed on the putting green
Snowfence installation on the greens began following tarping and will be completed today (Nov. 4). We install snowfence on greens for the same reason as mentioned above with tee boxes. We will also be installing snowfence to the northwest exposed side of the bunkers the we had rebuilt this year and last. We will be doing this to trap snow in the bunkers on top of the sand. The new sand that we installed is a smaller particle size than previous and as a result it will blow out of the bunker when exposed over the winter.
Snowfence installation on 7 green
Next week I will be attending our Saskatchewan Turfgrass Associations annual fall meetings before everyone goes away into winter mode. I have also been given the opportunity to prepare a presentation for the entire group which I am thankful to have the opportunity to be doing. Following that reel maintenance will be the main focus before my Assistant is done at the end of November. We will be sharpening and performing any repair and maintenance to all of the mower reels so they are ready to cut in the 2017 season.
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