The finish to the month of November was a difficult one as the temperatures just did not want to drop and freeze the ground for us. To top it all off we had the windiest day of the year which caused a ton of damage to our winter tarps and snowfence. We had two tarps totally blow off; one of which flew into a pond and will be frozen in the ice all winter. It took a lot of work but all the tarps were fixed and put back on as well as all the snowfence. So after that everything was once again protected for the winter.
This was the tarp from 13 sitting 100 yards down the fairway
This was the tarp from 12 in the pond
The snow finally arrived a week before Christmas and things have worked out quite well ever since. We have seen nice temperatures this winter that have not been either too hot or cold and have had very little wind so this has allowed us to develop a nice snow cover that has set and will not be disturbed by the winds and should keep everything nicely protected. This is probably the most consistent snow cover I have ever had since coming to Mainprize even though it is not the most snow we have had at this time of year.
This is our nice snow cover
During all of this time we have also managed to set all of the 2016 rates and budget. All of the reels have been ground and put back together and equipment repairs and servicing has just begun. I am currently in the process of hiring a new Pro Shop Manager for the 2016 season and we are optimistic that we will find the right person and have another great year in the Clubhouse as well.
In the next month or so I will hopefully be finishing up all of the remaining equipment work and finish all of my fertilizer/chemical and cultural programming. I will be going to the 2016 Golf Industry Show the second week of February and will hopefully bring back many new ideas to help and improve our club into the future.
The logo for the 2016 Golf Industry Show
I will try to write another post in February as to what we have been up to and our continued plans into 2016!
A look down hole 2 this past September
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