A view of the next 14 days forecast
Since my last blog post I have been keeping pretty busy. Our new and improved safety program is almost complete and will be ready for when a lot of our staff is back in April. I was also in Calgary and San Antonio for Superintendent Association conferences and both were great. I picked up a lot of new information on new trends and practices within the turf industry and discovered many new products that could be beneficial to us. It was also a time to catch up and network with fellow superintendents and plan with local superintendents for projects that we will be working together on this summer.
Getting ready for an education session in San Antonio
March 1st also means the return of my Assistant Superintendent for the year and that also makes it seem as if the golf season is getting closer. She will be busy inside the shop until it is nice enough to be working outside. She will be using her time to paint and refurbish all the course accessories and if time allows after that then she will be focusing on the interior of our maintenance facility which will include painting of the walls and ceilings, floors, and doors and trim. Nothing has been done to the interior of the shop since it was first built in the early 90's so it is definitely due and one of the best and biggest maintenance facilities in the province is definitely deserving of that.
If Mother Nature co-operates with us like it looks like she will then we will be able to be outside before the end of the month. At that time snow fence removal and debris cleanup can all begin to take place.
We are very excited for the weather to improve and can not wait to get out onto the course and get the golf season going along with the golf course improvements!
Looking out towards 11 green
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