Friday, 7 November 2014

That's a Wrap!

So another season has basically come and gone for us. It was a challenging but very successful year! Mother Nature seemed to be against us most of the year but we still managed to accomplish a lot. 

The month of October was a very busy month for us. We performed irrigation blowout from October 20-22 and the process went quite smoothly this year. All winter disease protection fungicide applications were completed on the greens, tees and fairways to help us survive the winter. After irrigation blowout we performed two irrigation repairs so that we would not have to worry about them next spring. One of the jobs was replacing the old leaky isolation valve at 8 tee box that occasionally liked to flood that area. So now we should all have dry feet when we walk up to the tee at 8. 
Irrigation blowout being performed
Greens fungicide application
The replaced valve at 8 tee

The final and biggest job of the month to be performed outdoors has also been completed. We have all of the greens tarped and snowfenced and all the tees are snowfenced. We should now have the course all protected so that we can form a nice insulating layer to get the turf through the winter.
Hole 15 tarped and fenced

Most of our work upcoming will now transition indoors. Things like equipment servicing and reel grinding will begin soon. The 2015 budget has to be completed in November as well. Then after that we can focus on equipment repairs and programming for the upcoming 2015 season.  
Aerial photo of Mainprize taken by Drew Brady

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