Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Course Condition Update

With this past storm on Sunday and Monday it does not seem that we are near the golf season at all. This was probably the biggest storm we have had so far this season. We received a lot of snow but it was the high winds that were the biggest problem. On my latest course tour today I definitely found a lot of snow. The amount of snow on the course is a lot for a course like Mainprize considering the constant wind we have that seems to blow a lot of the snow off the course. But the fairways are actually completely covered which is something pretty impressive for us. The days are getting longer and warmer though so we will be able to get rid of all this snow hopefully sooner then later, and here's to hoping that this was our last major winter storm of the year. I am currently wrapping up my last bits of mechanical maintenance in the shop and I have a few course accessory repairs to finish. With all this snow cover that we have I am quite optimistic that we should come out of the winter in pretty good shape. We have had a pretty decent layer of insulation to protect the turf from colder temperature injury for the majority of the winter. I have not really discovered much ice on the course either so we are looking pretty safe. We do have a few areas that are exposed due to elevation but these areas are always exposed and should make it through this winter just like any other and for the most part they are not high priority areas. I hope to have better news for you in my next post about opening up for the year, but I guess we will wait and see what Mother Nature has planned for us.

Here are a few pictures from my course tour today:

                                           Snow cover on the tarp on #13 green

                      What is supposed to be the path from the clubhouse to #10 tee

Wind ripped a section on snow fence out exposing back piece of green

Birdie standing in front of snow drift behind pumphouse 

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