Thursday, 2 April 2020

Calcium for Turf

Calcium is without a doubt one of the most important nutrients for maintaining healthy turf but quite often is overlooked. Calcium is important for cell strength as it will help the plant in strengthening cell walls. It also maintains osmotic balance (balance between electrolytes and non-electrolytes through the movement of solution through cell walls) with cells which helps keep cell membranes stable. 

Because calcium is important for cell wall strength we can then make the connection that it is important in managing plant stresses as the thicker/stronger the cell wall is, the less likely it is to be compromised from the attack of a pathogen or external stress. Foliar calcium can be helpful in managing heat stress as it allows the plant to go through respiration without using up its carbohydrate supplies. Because of this the plant still has the energy to carry out its normal processes as it is not having to turn around and reproduce all of its new energy.

As many people do know calcium is very important for improving soil structure. We typically use it as a soil amendment in Saskatchewan for dealing with high levels of sodium which we see as a large problem throughout the entire province. Calcium works by entering the soil and replacing sodium from soil particles. Once the sodium is no longer linked to the soil particles we have the opportunity to attempt to leach the sodium through the soil profile. The removal of the sodium from the soil is very important as we end up with a soil profile that is no longer so tightly bound where there is now pore/air space the allow air, water, nutrients, etc to move through the soil more freely. This is why when we have sodium effected soils that you see and feel that the soil becomes hard like cement and that water struggles to enter these soils (puddling) because the soil is so tight that the water can not enter the soil. Calcium can displace other cations so easily within the soil because it is a much larger cation in size so it can “out-weigh” other cations and it’s two positive charges can then easily  attach between different soil particles.

Turf Fuel has a few different calcium products available to help turf managers with the problems/solutions that we have discussed. Respo Fuel is a calcium-rich product that we use to mitigate heat stress. This product allows respiration to take place without the plant using up all of its energy. Respo Fuel also contains biostimulants, salicylic acid, Nutrifense, copper and silica resulting in the ultimate summer heat stress product. 

Lessen 11 is an acidified calcium product that physically removes sodium from soil particles. This then allows the sodium to be flushed through the rootzone by precipitation or irrigation. The acidic calcium in this product will also help to free up calcium that had previously been tied up in the soil as well.

D-Solve is a blend of acids and a soil penetrant that helps to dissolve bicarbonate layering. It does not contain calcium but because of this acidifying removal of sodium it frees up calcium and magnesium that had previously been tied up in the soil so you then can receive many of the benefits that calcium provides to the plant from what was already in your soil.

Turf Fuel is committed to developing products that are not like any other on the market and finding solutions to the problems that have been plaguing turf managers for years. They are committed to always improving the already great products they currently have. Turf Fuel has solutions available from the most simple aspects of nitrogen nutrition to the much more complicated solutions that you have been looking for such as stress management.