Sunday, 1 September 2019

Potassium Nutrition

Potassium has many important roles in aiding in overall plant health. Of the three primary plant nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium), potassium is the nutrient that is most important in helping the health of the plant to be protected against environmental stresses such as drought and extreme winter weather. Potassium is very important for many crucial plant process which include the synthesis/production of starches and essential sugars. Potassium is also known to aid the plant in being more resilient to external stresses as it is very effective in strengthening plant cell walls. Potassium has also been proven to help the plant with increasing disease and drought resistance along with what most people think of when they think of potassium which is increasing overall plant hardiness heading into and over the winter period. 

Because potassium is important for cell strength and internal cell functions; when it is supplied to the plant in adequate amounts the plant will then be more efficient with photosynthesis, water absorption, the creation of proteins and respiration. This statement really helps to explain why it is so useful in managing stress. Typically when the plant is under stress the necessary processes will slow down, but when we supply potassium to the plant it enables the plant to be able to continue with these necessary processes even when an external stress is present because the plant is strong enough to fight against the stress on its own. 

Potassium can aid the plant in being able to easier and more efficiently take up water and nutrients. Because potassium is very important in enabling the plant to grow; if it becomes deficient it can lead the plant to grow or recover slower than desired. The plant is primarily focused on storing carbohydrates in the fall in preparation for it "hibernation" period. By adding potassium at that time of year you are helping the plant to better store the food it needs to survive the winter. 

Turf that is deficient in potassium will have a yellow appearance and will begin to have a weaker root system which will lead to a weakened stand of turf that is easily susceptible to damage. One very important point with potassium is that it is a very Saskatchewan nutrient. A good portion of the world potash supply comes from our province so it is great to know that potassium is not only great for our turf but also our province!

Turf Fuel has a few foliar products and many granular products that contain sources of potassium. The main potassium product is Base K26. Base K26 is a 0-0-26 potassium fertilizer made from a very safe highly absorbed form known as potassium acetate. This product also contains G2D (Grow to Defend) technology. The technology is a blend of conjugated (combined), plant based hormones. G2D primes the plants growth and development while still improving plant structures like shoots and chlorophyll production, promotes energy conservation because these effective hormones have been supplied and helps the plant use nutrients more efficiently.

Turf Fuel is committed to developing products that are not like any other on the market and finding solutions to the problems that have been plaguing turf managers for years. They are committed to always improving the already great products they currently have. Turf Fuel has solutions available from the most simple aspects of nitrogen nutrition to the much more complicated solutions that you have been looking for such as stress management.