Thursday, 2 May 2019

Humic Acid

Humic acids are a complex form of coal that are made up of decayed matter found in nature from organic matter in the soil, water and sediments found mostly in aquatic and wet ares in nature. They are a chain of carbon that are reactive in soil and will react with many metals and minerals which is one of the main reasons why they are valuable to a turf manager.  
Typical humic acid structure

Humic acids work great in the soil as an amendment and in improving microbial activity. One of the most important characteristics for humic acids is their ability to make nutrients applied or tied up in the soil either more effective or available to the plant when they previously were not able to be used by the plant as efficiently or potentially not even at all. They can also improve the soils ability to retain moisture which can also help in getting some nutrients into solution to be utilized by the plant. Because humic acids help to improve the soil they also promote and increase microbial activity in the soil which in turn can help with thatch management, pest prevention, nutrient availability, etc. 

Because of all of the previously mentioned benefits we can conclude that humic acids help to result in a healthier plant that is more resilient and can withstand stresses easier with some instances of increased rooting also being observed with the addition of humic acids. Humic acids are a great and very necessary tool for turf managers in Saskatchewan given our naturally high pH that occurs in our soils and water sources. We know that with higher pH readings above 7 that many nutrients are less available to the plant within the soil. In order to get the most out of your soil based fertilizer applications or the existing reserves in the soil humic acids are the perfect tool for a problem that many turf mangers are facing in the province.

Turf Fuel has a product called XChange that is our main humic acid source. XChange is great for all of the above mentioned facts such as improving nutrient availability within the soil, microbial activity and for overall plant health. XChange also contains sea kelp which will promote robust rooting and a great colour response. Salicylic acid is also found in XChange and it will aid in priming the natural plant defense mechanisms within the plant to fight off stress and result in a much more healthy and resilient plant. 

Turf Fuel is committed to developing products that are not like any other on the market and finding solutions to the problems that have been plaguing turf managers for years. They are committed to always improving the already great products they currently have. Turf Fuel has solutions available from the most simple aspects of nitrogen nutrition to the much more complicated solutions that you have been looking for such as stress management.