Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Is Spring Already Here?

Well the weather in the month of February has certainly been above average and as a result we really have no snow left out on the course. With this being the case we hope that the temperatures continue to stay warm because with no snow we might as well get any early start on things if we can! The month of February also saw the hiring of a new Pro Shop Manager for the club. Mitchell Lutz will be joining us this season and we are all very excited to have him here.

I am currently monitoring conditions on the course right now and things appear to be good so far. My only concern is the couple greens that have some ice buildup on them. In the next week or so we will probably plan to get out to them with a pump to remove any standing water off of them and expose the ice layer to the sun so that we can get it all melted. We are not too concerned about it as they have not been under ice that long but the sooner we could get the ice off the happier we will be.
Ice under the snow early in February on 6 green
Since my last post I attended the Golf Industry Show which like always was a great experience that I picked up a lot of new things to bring back with me that we will be putting to use this year. Most of the equipment servicing has been completed and there are just a couple repairs that remain. 

One of my education sessions at the Golf Industry Show

My assistant will be back to work next week as March is already here and she will begin preparing and refinishing all of the course accessories for the season. As stated earlier we are hopeful that the warm weather will continue as we would love to be out working on the course by mid-March if Mother Nature will allow us.

We will basically be finishing up the last few things before the golf season is here but we are prepared and ready for the busy season to soon be here and to have the golf course open again!
We are all very excited to be seeing this again soon!