Monday, 27 January 2014

Looking Ahead to 2014

It has certainly been a very interesting winter so far this year. We have had some major temperature extremes in both highs and lows. As I look out onto the golf course right now there is not a lot of snow cover out there. But as we all know that could change very quickly in Saskatchewan. So now is the time where we will look ahead to 2014 and everything that we have planned  in our turf care department. 

We are excited to announce the promotion of Lidia Bowen as our new Assistant Superintendent. Lidia joined us as a labourer last year from the golf course in Estevan and we feel that she will do a great job with this new promotion.

We will be hoping to have the flooded holes (4,5,6, and 7) open in the early summer. We completed the seeding and early stages of the grow-in last fall. So we will now just have to allow the turf to establish and mature a little more and maybe complete a little overseeding to the few weaker areas before opening. We will also be restoring all the bunkers on these holes and running cartpaths throughout. We will hope to have all of this completed before the holes are open. 

Looking down hole 6 last fall after seeding

We will also be continuing with cartpaths on the rest of the course as early as we can in the spring. We would like to be able to complete this on the entire course by the end of the 2014 season. It will be great to have this finished and as a result to have the effects of our traffic wear be much less and to be able to allow carts on poor weather days even.

We will also be continuing will the sodding and seeding of any weak areas in the fairways all the way throughout the year. Our fairways have come a long way the past few years but they still have a long way to go so sodding and seeding will help a lot. 

Stripping sod for cartpaths and laying it in weak fairway areas

We will also be doing a lot of work to the bunkers just like the past few seasons. They will be once again all edged and sand will be added to the green side bunkers as funds allow. 
A freshly edged bunker

We are also hoping to be able to begin to address some of the drainage problems that exist on the course. This will most likely involve excavating the area and adding drain tile and crushed rock but we will also be looking at other alternatives to fix these problem areas.

We will also be continuing with our regular maintenance program that we have been using the past few seasons that has proven to be fairly successful. So with the continued execution of our program (fertility, cultural practices, irrigation scheduling and management, pest control, etc) and continued improvements to the irrigation system you can once again expect the overall conditioning and playability of the golf course to greatly improve this season just as it has the previous two seasons. We are determined to bring this golf course from one of the worst conditioned courses in the province, and turn it into one of the best conditioned. And we feel that after the past two seasons that we are well on our way!

Hole 15 last fall